Oxidane Treatment Solutions performance meets all the stricter limits in the drinking and wastewater sectors and in many cases, future developments are also taken into account. We design and build plants of the highest standard and contribute to the prevention and removal of environmental loads through the realization of our scientific know-how and constant process development work.
Rising levels of groundwater pollution are confronting water utilities with increasing difficulties. The problem of nitrates and pesticides in areas of intensive agricultural activity and the contamination caused by halogenated hydrocarbons from site leach ate; make the treatment of natural water reserves essential.
Moreover, apart from these manmade impurities, groundwater may also contain natural substances, which affect drinking water quality.
Oxidane Treatment Solutions has developed and optimized numerous technologies especially for groundwater. We offer top processes, ranging from biological denitrification and advanced oxidation, to membrane technologies (MF, UF, NF, RO):